Life Is Short

How short? Nobody really knows. I’m 68 years old and realize I’ve lived more years than I have left. How many more? Nobody really knows. I’ve already outlived many of my contemporaries confirmed by one glance at the 50th class reunion “In Memorial” page.
Which brings me to the question, “What, of all the stuff we accumulate in this life, really matters?”. In the end probably the estate (wealth) and the story. The story includes your family, library, letters and photographs. The estate and the story is your legacy. Legacy is what you leave behind and how you will be remembered.
My Story
Last summer I was contacted by an online business magazine for an interview looking for my story. Answering the questions. I was pleased with the piece and you can read it by clicking on the link in the quote. It’s something that I’ll leave behind.
I know every time I deliver a finished project, my work will survive me and most likely my subject.
Mike Winslow, voyage-STl magazine
Currently, it’s fall family photo time. I’m booking work for portraits with holiday greeting cards in mind. Additionally, I’ve be fairly steady working photography for several corporate events like picnics and golf tournaments.

Higher Education
Recently, I was privileged to sit in with Fashion Photographer Preston Page while he was working a jewelry shoot. I appreciate the generosity and comradery. I picked up a few tips and discovered a couple pieces of equipment that I “can’t live without”. I’d encourage you to look at his website and follow on social. He does some amazing photography.

Life is Short
Patty and I spent last Valentine’s Day at Defiance Ridge Vineyards enjoying the wine and dance music. I couldn’t help to notice a couple sitting near us definitely in the Valentine spirit. The light was good and the setting was decent so I offered to shoot a snapshot of the couple. Afterward we joined them at their table and enjoyed a quite pleasant conversation. Over the summer we joined up with them a couple more times.

I was devastated to find out Steve Neal died tragically in a car accident September 11. This is how I remember Steve. He was kind, generous and easy going. I didn’t know him extremely well. None the less there is a hole in my heart. My sympathy and support go out to Caroline and all the family and friends. Steve, I will miss you.
In Closing
Sorry to leave you on a sad note. I think telling the story is part of the grieving process for me.
Life is short.
Your friend,
Ps. Look at these Amazing Photos if you need to be cheered up.