“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.”
Henry David Thoreau

Wildlife Photographer
I am not a wildlife photographer. I am a certified professional photographer that has the expertise to take a decent photograph. My specialty lies dying field of portrait photography. But I digress…
Having recently sold this image, I promised the buyer I’d write a short history. This is that blurb.
October 15, 2022
I had sworn off attempting to photograph the wild horses federally protected in the Ozark Scenic Riverways. They would always be grazing (head down) and had an uncanny way of positioning themselves in the worst possible light.
It was our fourth autumn weekend at Echo Bluff State Park (near Eminence Missouri). The resort hadn’t geared fully up in the dining room after the pandemic, so breakfast was a microwaved sandwich, or a trip to the Greasy Spoon in Eminence.
It was getting light, but the sun hadn’t risen yet. We on a two lane Ozark country road when low and behold, there in the pre-dawn haze was an entire herd of wild horses, just off the port bow.
At that point, I forgot about breakfast and my oath, and found a spot to pull off. Armed with our cameras, Patty and I stealthily dropped into the woods and came up on the herd from the east. The autumn colors lit up as the sun peaked up over my shoulder. Just then this nursing mare and her black colt crossed through my view finder…
The Rest of the Story
Looking at the mare’s ears, you can see she was none too pleased to have our company. Earlier, the colt had approached us. Dad always taught me, “Don’t stumble between a wild animal and their offspring”, and I had just stumbled. I’m lucky to be alive with a great memory and beautiful image. I have since renewed my oath to NOT photograph wild horses.

Work That Matters
It is the inevitable that fuels my passion for portraits. Portrait photography spans a wide range of styles: classic, environmental, lifestyle, candid, glamour beauty & boudoir, high-key & low-key, cinematic, black & white, corporate & business, fashion, couples & family.
“The inevitable?”, you inquire. The inevitable is we will all die, we just don’t know when. When that time comes how will you be remembered? With a blurry pixilated selfie pulled from your (also) dying mobile phone?
If it matters to you, here’s how to get in touch. All my projects begin with a conversation. Click here.
I’ll leave you with this recent project for a veterinarian. The challenge of getting a good photo of a dog ranks right up there with wild horses. But like I said, I’m a certified professional.

Thanks for dropping by.
P.s. I welcome your comments below.
P.s.s. Later this week, I’m photographing the Cupid Underwear Run to raise money for the Children’s Tumor Foundation. So my next blog may be titled Wild Life Photographer!