You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy…
OK. I’ve had several requests for something happy mostly because …. Circle the number(s) that best apply to you:
- The sky is grey
- The pandemic
- The protests
- The news
- The politics
- The uncertain times
- The shut down
- Zoom meetings
- The lock down
- Working from home
- Home schooling
- Social media
- The media in general
- The bullshit
- The hatred
- The violence
- Uncertainty
- Fear
- Stress
- The other
I think my “other” thing is the masquerade. Something about that just seems fishy. I imagine a mask would help if you’re sick, running a fever, wheezing, sneezing, coughing, slobbering and then touching everything… In that case, would you please stay away from the grocery store?
And if you agree with that criteria, maybe we should consider mandating banning children under 10 from the grocery store too. They’re the real threat. (Wink).
Us people inhabiting this planet did not evolve to socially distance, or live in a sterile risk free world in obscurity and anonymity wearing masks. Masks are associated with distrusted people like stage coach robbers and the Klu Klux Klan. I realize masks are necessary in a surgical suite, but the local grocery store, county park or bread company are not operating theaters.
99.987654321% of us human beings are social animals and it’s impossible to be social if you can’t see my face. You are no longer my neighbor, you become a stranger.
I don’t know about you stranger, but I’ve always maintained a healthy skepticism regarding elected officials and the media. Yes, I voted for one side or the other, but that doesn’t mean I blindly trust them and I’m not naive enough to believe any of them are scandal free and morally as pure as the driven snow. Additionally my healthy mental diet prohibits me from watching network news. I read, I study and have subscribed to the Johns Hopkins daily newsletter to stay informed. As a 66 year old man, they say I’m high risk. That aside, I’d rather make my own health decisions and think for myself. I’m not a conspiracist, but I can’t help to wonder how it so happened that the day this shit hit the fan, so many celebs had already recorded commercials to take the directive to the masses to stay home and mask up.
I don’t deny there is a problem. Here’s an possible solution. Let’s help the compromised people isolate and protect themselves while the rest of us (who choose to) get to work and get on living. Wrecking the entire United States economy was a pretty high price to pay. Now they want to wreck the social order and culture by mandating masks. The sooner schools, polling places, concert venues, baseball stadiums and movie theaters open, the better. Let’s end the masquerade.
Before you scroll down to my “happy” photo of the day, please know that I invite thoughtful comments and different points of view in the “leave a reply” box below.
Last Sunday, Patty and I visited the sunflower fields at Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area in North Saint Louis County just south of the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. Borrowing her famous heart sunglasses, we created this image add some sunshine to your day.

Get all the info about my ready to frame 5×7 greeting cards collection here. All my images are available as fine art prints. But you knew that already.
In closing, my wish for you is good health and prosperity. Thanks for taking a minute to hang out.
Finally, god damn the virus and god damn violence and hatred.
Your friend,