Mike Winslow
I wrote the following on March 5, 2020.
“Let’s just say an asteroid the size of Manhattan hit the gulf of Mexico and wiped out from the face of the earth a class of mammal we’ll call dinosaur. Everybody and everything that survived would have no choice but in evolve in the new paradigm, or die. Am I right? “
I think it just happened. And now must take my own advice and eat my own philosophy. Evolve or die.
Winters are hard for me. One of my survival techniques is to spend an evening or two each week at my favorite saloon, Third Wheel Brewing, officially being shut down March 19 along with every restaurant and saloon in St. Charles, St. Louis and Jefferson Counties to enforce “social distancing”. A lot of people join me there passing the long winter nights until (at least for me) Mike Shannon’s voice along with John Rooney and others grace the airways and signal spring is here on the voice of the Cardinals, KMOX Radio. That’s when I’m sure I’ve survived another winter.
In protest of long winter days and that god damn bug, I shaved my beard off. That razor burn on my chin is a picture of how my ass feels about the coronavirus and the effect it’s having on my planet.
I know I’m not in this alone. We are in it together. My heart is wrenched for all the people that will suffer as a result of this “assteroid” hitting the face of the earth.
I’d like to hear your plan.
Here’s mine –
I resolve to evolve. I will get off my (chapped) ass and take photographs and publish them as a means to inject positive energy into the world. I sincerely hope you can find respite and inspiration in the art I publish as we live through this mess together. Leave your plan and thoughts in the space provided below.
Click on the image below to see the gallery. I will update it with more photos at least once a week. Peace.