Quote of the day
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
Ancient Text
Why Thank Goodness?
I was working with a client who I know attends church when I let a cuss word slip out. So I apologized right away. Then my client explained to me that “colorful” language is characteristic of creatives, and that they weren’t offended. Whew! All this time I had been thinking I have potty mouth or was somehow defective or lacking in my language skills. Nope! I am just creative and as such, was going to express my relief and joyful discovery with the phrase, “Thank God” (especially after the rant in my last blog). But on second thought, thought maybe God didn’t want credit, so that’s why I’m playing it safe with “Thank Goodness”.
Thank Goodness
My mentor Seth Godin’s book recommends blogging once a day. I started this blog with goal of publishing once a week to be safe, and have failed miserably these last three years. So you can imagine my despair at thes continuing lack of success. In fact my last blog (peppered with profanity) was February 4th – six or seven weeks ago.
Thank goodness for my friend Nicole Agniel, a self-described client driven problem solver at thryv. (Thryv is local business automation software helps thousands of local business owners automate their most essential business functions so they can get back to doing what they love – running their businesses.) During a presentation Nicole mentioned the high open rate her digital marketing pieces received. Part of her strategy was mailing something when it matters, not because of a manufactured goal. Thanks Nicole! I’ve been set free!
Thank Goodness
Thank goodness for my fellow photographer Nick Roach. Nick made me this updated headshot. You can press this link to see his excellent work.

Thank Goodness
Thank goodness, in spite of my flaws, countless people have said nice things about me and you can see some of them here – Testimonies and Kind Words. The goal with my photography is to make the world a better place by making good art that will survive the photographer and the subject. I’ll be chuckling 50 years after my passing when someone discovers a portrait of their “hot” grandmother in a box in the basement. Don’t expect that with your digitals.
I’m open for work. Call 636-578-5456.
Just me (trying not to be a “sounding brass” (wind chime),
ps. This is a photo of my to do list yesterday.