Thanksgiving Already!
I’m the kind of guy that usually gets caught flat footed when the holiday(s) fall suddenly upon me. With that in mind, I’ve already written and mailed about 200 holiday (seasonal) greeting cards. Yes, it’s considerably more expensive than sending a cheesy text, and yes, consumed a considerable amount of time not to mention enduring a mild case of writers cramp off and on but it was so worth it.
Sending out cards is an excellent way of putting good energy out into the world. And when done with a thankful heart, seems to come back around. If you want to try it with my frameable 5×7 fine art greeting cards, you can read about it here, and don’t forget it’s Thanksgiving already!
Featured Client
When I can, I love bringing your attention to local business owners that have come through my studio. His team is and processes are highly efficient.
Pleased to introduce Chris Heerdegen, a husband, a father of 6, and the owner of OnDemand Painters.
Chris says, “St. Louis is more of a community to me than a city, which means you’ll be seeing your customers again. Which also means, you best treat them right!”
When you don’t find him working, you may see him at your local church or Jiu Jitsu school! (On a personal note he is funny too.)

In Other News
I’ve been staying quite busy with my corporate accounts. I just completed 23 headshots for the local office of O.R. Colan Associates, a company offering real estate solutions for infrastructure. Imagine all your agents or team with a professional uniform look like the image below.

Then on December 3, Patty and I will be attending the holiday party for Car Shield being held at the St. Louis Convention Center to record the highlights of that event. They are expecting 1500 guests for this event.

Then the big news. Yes, I had my hair trimmed by Master Designer Connie McPartland who is celebrating 19 years with Cary O’Brien’s Salon and Spa.
Wraps Its Up
That about wrap its up for today although I have one more treat for you. If you enjoy beautiful photographs, I am always working to keep my Amazing Photos Gallery updated and refreshed currently featuring at totally creepy Halloween costume collage and a few recent Senior Pictures.
Thanks for dropping by today.
Ps. If you WANT to receive a greeting card from me this fall, leave a note in the comment section below.
Pps. If you HAVE received a card and it made you smile, leave a note in the comment section below.