Beginning in March…
Beginning in March I noticed a steep decline in paying clients in my fledgling photography business. The phenomenon was not unique to me and affected the travel industry, hospitality and mom and pop diners to mention a few. Other businesses noticed an acute increase in revenues like vaccine manufacturing, personal protective equipment providers and mortgage lenders to name a few. On top of all that, there was the looming uncertainty of the up coming election.
Now that the election is over…
Now that the election is over and things are back to normal I feel comfortable getting back to blogging again. (It has been awhile.) Since about March I’ve had this unprecedented urge to share opinions and views that at least half of my audience would find disagreeable. I feel so relieved that finally all this stress and uncertainty is behind me. I bet you are relieved too.

Last spring, doing my best to adapt during my first state wide “lock down”, I did complementary photo shoots for every squirrel, cardinal, finch and pet in the neighborhood just to stay sharp. Then in June we took a road trip through the Rockies which offered many opportunities to practice my landscape skills. July started looking like I was getting back to normal but August and September mostly brought nice weather. On a perfect day in October I was present at my daughter Hannah’s wedding as the father of the bride. I was happy to relegate photos to the pro they had hired. I learned a long time ago that I can either attend an event or be the photographer, but not both.
Welcome to November.
Still shooting
All that practice paid off as I was well pleased with the few portrait projects I’ve done this fall. You can see samples of this work in my headshot portfolio. Still shooting for practice and fun I take walks, bike rides, and visit wineries and breweries mostly with my bestie, Patty. Included in the 2020 Fall Gallery is this photo from Sunday evening 11/08 on Main Street in St. Charles. This young lady and her brother were playing for tips and saving the money for college. Her father was standing off to the side and gave me permission to shoot. Both of these young adults were amazing musicians and to them I send my thanks for the opportunity to make this image.

Wrapping this one up
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences as we get “back to normal” if you’d care to leave them in the comment box below. I also invite you to please take a moment and browse through my Fall Gallery. So far I’ve curated around 30 noteworthy images with no agenda except to do work that matters.
I sincerely wish you and yours a prosperous journey.
Your Friend,