And just like that, it’s June!
Mike Winslow
School’s out and summer’s in. June brings outdoor concerts, wineries, barbecues, vacations, major league (and for some of us, (not me)), little league baseball and soccer. Then there is gardening, hiking, fishing, camping, swimming and can’t forget golf. In the St. Louis geography, June is a fresh breath of nice hot humid air. And I love it.
Back in April, collaborating with with my friends Anna Alt and Jeanie Strickland (creative director) we shot some pinterest style photos with Shanna Palans for branding and website content. All these women are members of a ladies service organization called Little Black Book. Here are a couple of shots.
Since I hail from Cheyenne Wyoming orginally, Patty and I travel “out west” several times a year. It wasn’t June, but Memorial Weekend (close enough) to gather with my 4 sibs and many of our offspring to celebrate my mother and father’s 70th wedding anniversary which actually took place on December 28th last year. I got on a selfie kick in an effort to document my experience at the event. So this is some (unfortunately not all) of those of us gathered for the celebration.
Another Anniversary
During our trip out west, we made lunch plans with friends I grew up from the neighborhood, Pat and Lori Nichols. We met a a favorite spot, Sanford’s (amazing Bloody Marys) and good food. Once we got settled in, Pat asked me if I remembered what happened 40 years ago. That’s a challenge because sometimes I have difficulty remembering what happened yesterday. It was serendipitous that Sunday May 28th, 2023 we just happened to be in Cheyenne and available for lunch. Pat had to help me. It had been 40 years to the day that I stood beside them in the Presbyterian Church as best man in their wedding. I love you guys!

Final Thought
Life is good and short. Be extra kind to others.
Ps. Like a family doctor or attorney, it’s not a bad idea to have a relationship with a professional photographer who will document significant moments for legacy sake.
For more beautiful pics, check out Amazing Photographs.
What are you doing this summer? Comments in the box below.