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Work that Matters 1-1

Professional Head Shot Portrait

Seth Godin

I’ve long been a fan of author and speaker Seth Godin because his marketing philosophy emphasizes serving the customer and the community, to make things better by making better things. The opposite being a slick ad campaign that will turn a fast buck.

His books include these favorite titles, Permission Marketing (2000), Purple Cow (2002), All Marketers are Liars (2005), The Dip (2007), Tribes (2008), This is Marketing (2018).

Work that matters is “…about roots. About anchoring your work deeply in the dreams, desires, and communities of those your seek to serve. It’s about changing people for the better, creating work you can be proud of. And it’s about being a driver of the market, not simply being market-driven.

Seth Godin – “This is marketing” page xii

So, thank you Seth for all you do.

What Matters?

When it comes to my portrait work, what matters is the look on my clients face when I hand them the final product. I’ve built a pretty solid niche in the head shot portraiture for business professionals and entrepreneurs space. Additionally I offer branding, family, beauty (a.k.a. boudoir or glamour), senior or graduate, event and commercial photographic services. What matters is the stuff you’d be proud to hang on your wall, print in a book and post on your website.

You can see my portrait gallery here.

Recent Work

Since adopting Seth’s model a few years ago I’ve been very fortunate to have some amazing people in front of my lens. Here’s some recent work that matters. You can click on any photo to view in gallery mode.

Coming Up

If you are in the St. Louis market and if you would like a professional head shot…

Usually child abuse is detected in the school system. But with the pandemic closing schools the number of vulnerable children has gone way up. I am proud be collaborating with No9 Networking and the Cottleville Synergy Center to bring you the Up Your Image “Express” to Benefit the Child Advocacy Center of Northeast Missouri. They serve children who have been abused or traumatized by a violent event. (You can see their website here.)

… click on the image to the left to claim your time slot for a Mike Winslow signature image and help a very worthy cause.

Wrapping it up

I know your time is valuable so thank you for dropping by.

I’d love to hear your comments in the respective box below.


‘work that matters for people who care.

6 thoughts on “Work that Matters 1-1

  1. This event is such a good idea and beneficial for an organization close to my heart. Thank you.

    1. You are welcome my friend!

  2. Great article and super photos! Great job Mike Winslow~

    1. Thank you sister!

  3. You do amazing work & yes definitely work that matters!!

    1. Thank you Amy. Saving people from disease inducing diet and life-style is work as well. And it matters to the people who receive the message and make the changes. Thanks for what you do.

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