“All I do is make, shape or follow the light”
The artist known as Mike
The Light
But before I get to The Light – first a light-hearted story…

Patty and I attended a fund raising gala April 30th to support The Child Advocacy Center of Northeast Missouri. There was some pretty decent light in the parking garage so we took this selfie. As it turns out, I didn’t get around to posting the photo on Facebook until a week later when we were on our way to a very casual birthday party in Lake St. Louis, MO.
Maybe you had to be there but I had to chuckle when I received all these amazing remarks and compliments wishing us a good time at the birthday party. (It also tells me that I have some very supportive and loving friends on Facebook.) If we are not already, friend me on Facebook to see all the nice comments.

The Light
Light is a pretty fascinating subject. Light has qualities like temperature and hardness or softness. As a photographer I always notice the light where ever I’m at and what ever I’m doing – including drinking beer at a local brewery. This is Season and she is a beer bartending professional. There is a certain spot in the establishment where the light is just right and I can make images like this.

Lady in Red
Make Shape or Follow
Sometimes I need more control. In the shot below I used 3 studio strobes to make shape (and follow) the light.

In Closing
In closing I’ll leave you with the etymology of ‘photography. From photos (ϕοτοσ), light, and graphos (γραοσ), writing, delineation, or painting. In other words, to write with light.
I’ve photographed some amazing beautiful people lately, but you won’t see the images on this blog. You will have to click through to AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHS in order to see my work. Otherwise you will miss out.
Thank you for dropping by today.
Ps. I’d love to hear your comments. And if you do, leave your website in the appropriate box. It’s a way to connect you to my readers, and google likes it when you do.