Several years ago a nurse friend of mine suggested that I had “seasonal affective disorder”. I strongly defended my manhood and mental health by explaining, “it’s just that I get very sad when the leaves fall off the trees”.
Mike Winslow
Autumn Color
Yes, get out the vitamin D as daylight is in short supply. Non the less, with a little effort, I hope to add a spot of sunshine to your day with my understated humor and my camera skills as I search for the meaning of life in autumn color.
To begin, this is the St. Louis Art Museum. I shot this HDR panorama (9 merged photos for color and width) because typically there would be park goers in view. However it was a chilly overcast week day morning and I got this shot.

How about this fall family photoshoot with Dr. Aaron Wahl and his family. Dr. Wahl is a chiropractor in Chesterfield and comes highly recommended. Here’s his website. The idea with this shot was the reflection.

Here’s a sunrise shot in front of the Muny in Forest Park.

I simply love looking down into these trees because my mind can wander the earthy trails.

Another soul like me out to capture the autumn color.

And once again I like this one for the reflection.

Closing Thoughts
August, die she must
The autumn winds blow chilly and cold
September, I’ll remember
A love once new has now grown old
Simon and garfunkel
It’s my 67th autumn and I still have to consciously embrace the transition to winter. How about you? Do you welcome the change or does it challenge you too? You can share your thoughts in the box below. If you have a website, be sure to include it because one of my readers might find your stuff. Google likes it too.
It is still a good time to consider family photos because there is no telling what tomorrow might bring. And I’m big on printing your photos as well for the visual aesthetics and the legacy value.
One more plug and I’m done. It’s difficult to swim up stream against the digital, but a physical greeting card containing your good will and images far surpasses anything a text or a Facebook message can deliver to your friend or loved one. Consider using some of your holiday budget for greeting cards. I know they are old fashioned, but the power of a hand written card should not be underestimated. Here’s a link to my greeting card page.
Thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoyed the autumn color.
Your friend,