Photo walk in the rain.

The weather person was gloomy last Saturday the 21st of November.
Rain all day he said. I was tempted to let the gloom seep in, but decided the rain could be damned. I turned to my sweetie and said lets take a drive into the Ozarks. Two hours and a little over 100 miles later we landed at Maramec Spring. On an average day close to one hundred million gallons of water issues forth from the base of the bluff. It’s really quite a site to see.
Rainy Overcast Days
Rainy and overcast days can be good for some types of photography including landscape and certain types of portraiture. It softens everything down. I had seen photos of the bridge behind us and that became my intended target for this day’s shoot.
Behind the scenes
Fortunately the rain had subsided to a steady mist when we arrived. I think the temperature was hanging in low 50s. Patty was practicing with a Canon G7x. It’s a full featured camera and she’s learning the ins and outs of using it.

The Bridge
Below is the photo I shot from this (above) spot. With the low soft light, I shot this photo at f18 at 8/10 second, giving the water the creamy look.

Most of the photos I see of this bridge are taken from the bank to the right of the bridge. Because the leaves had all fallen, I was able to see it from the point of view below. This one was taken at f18 for a full second.

The Cascade
The spring divides itself in two with about half coming under the bridge and the other half coming over a small cascade of rocks. Then the two streams come back together until it flows into the Maramec River about a mile from here.

Getting Out of the Rain

I was beginning to “book it” because the rain had intensified. Getting a moving target in focus with a full featured camera isn’t the easiest task, but still thank Patty for this almost award winning photo which does a pretty good job of capturing yours truly at the end of the day.
Wrapping It Up
Speaking for myself and my partner, we sincerely hope your Thanksgiving Holiday was special what ever form it took.
I’d love to hear your comments in the “Leave a Reply” box below.
Until next time, peace.
Your friend,
ps. Please consider subscribing to the blog and if you are thinking about mailing custom holiday cards this “unprecedented” season, I can help you.