Make “things” better by delivering my best work.
I’ve been a long time fan of Seth Godin’s book, This Is Marketing, which I own in audible and print. Page xi:
It’s time to do something else with marketing. To make things better. To cause a change you’d like to see in the world. To grow your project, sure, but mostly to serve the people you care about.
Seth Godin
In Seth’s mind, true marketing today is not a clever commercial to sell the same old (possibly inferior) cereal, but is the “generous act of helping someone solve a problem. Their problem.” (Not my problem – i.e. too much inventory in my cereal warehouse – MW)
He goes on to say, “Too many marketers spend most of their time running a hype show…” manufacturing online followers and likes, rather than building trust with your audience, and their dreams and desires.

Make things better…
I like the word “things” because things can actually mean anything! I’m not trying to be vague, so let me narrow it down to “things that matter”. Drilling down further, I’ll say “things that matter to you”.

My Best Work
As a marketer of photographic services, I was able to solve a problem for this gentleman. He was preparing to retire as CEO, and the board needed a professional head shot for his retirement ceremony and the annual report. When he arrived at my home studio, I made him comfortable, then got this shot. After that, he dawned a Cardinals jersey and hat and took home a nice souvenir to boot! All in just under an hour.

Financial Advisor Edward Jones
This lady recently made the career transition from an accounting firm to teaming up as an advisor with Edward Jones. As I understand it, the company had an in-house photographer, but since covid, has been referring new agents to a department store studio, which is ok if all you need is the minimum. I was happy to get to know her and have the privilege of giving her my best work. I’ve included a link to her website in case your in a transition of some kind (retirement, planning a marriage or even a divorce) and need the advice of a financial advisor, Rebecca Piel.
My best work today…
My best work today is better than my best work a year ago. As an “artist” I’m my worst critic. But I finally reconciled my dilemma by deciding not to withhold the work I’ve done, but to ship the best work within my resources to produce and consequently make things better (make the world a better place).
My best work depends on (sometimes contends with) the light, the weather, technology, time restraints, my skills not to mention crazy shit like not knowing the annual St. Louis Marathon is running right through my planned shoot at 5.45 am on a Sunday morning.
My Best Work in the Future
I’d be honored if my best work in the future included a project for you or someone you know. It doesn’t have to be a major life-changing event like retiring or changing careers. It might be something like updating your current headshot that was made with a cell phone under awful light or a crappy background. It might be because you’ve worked to become healthier and would like to document this time in your life. Or possibly, you’d like to print and frame something (that matters) as a legacy or heirloom piece.
My best work includes business head shot portraiture, family portraiture, fashion, boudoir, amazing custom greeting cards, fine art and commercial projects. You can find my contact info here.
Thanks for dropping by. I appreciate your time and thoughts if you care to leave them in the comment box below.
Mike Winslow