One of the things I enjoy most about photography is the endless possibility to create works of beauty, and opportunity to learn each time I pick up a camera.
Most of what I know about photography I’ve learned from other photographers met through organizations like the Saint Louis Artists’ Guild, Meetup and Facebook. I’ve found this community of photographers willing to help and generous.
Much of the technical side I’ve learned through trial and error, YouTube and online classes like Creative Live.
This is my favorite shot from this effort. I had some advice from Ed Crim at the St. Louis Photo Authority regarding the lighting. I bounced an on camera flash off a large piece of white foam core which produced the soft glow and nice catch light in her eyes.

Here’s a couple of the behind the scenes shots.
In Makeup Makeup Artist
Before I get to a couple more favs, I shot the pics below with my cell phone for behind the scenes context.
I think seeing behind the photographer really shows all the “moving” pieces that come together to make a great photograph.
Again, thanks for dropping by. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment box below. And for more blogs like this please subscribe.
Happy shooting!